Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Returning HOME Here and Now

The only thing that separates you from me is a frequency, which is a different expression of the same energy.
(Teal Scott)

We evolve in spirals. Everyone has a different starting point and a different destination, with the ever present opportunity to act in accordance with the WAY. The movie is the same for all of us. The battle of good and evil, the aspirations and temptations; the failures, successes and missed opportunities. Some ‘awakened’ masters are caught with their hand in the cookie jar, while some murderers confess and atone before their day of judgement arrives. As they say, every saint has a past and every sinner a future.

Once we embrace Teal Scott’s notion of us having separate journeys along different spiritual frequencies, all judgement becomes meaningless. We are all the same playing out different roles in GOD’s maya. The HOME coming journey is guaranteed for all of us. Can you accelerate this journey here and now? Sure! Understand that the Dark Night of the Soul episode is a perfect opportunity to lay low. Understand your suppressed desires and express them. Bring purpose and passion together and be HOME every step of the WAY.

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