Thursday, November 16, 2017

Alzheimer’s - Love to the Rescue

Bill Gates just gave millions in support to battle Alzheimer’s disease. Good for him, this is an epidemic of depressing proportions. One day we can probably prove that our cancerous modern lifestyle, as well as the toxic nutrition we consume has plenty to do with it. Yet, there is also a very simple spiritual remedy, embrace love every step of the WAY!

Alzheimer’s is the disease of forgetting. It is the ‘I’ consciousness shutting down because the burden of facing the repressed  ‘sins’ of the past is too hard to bear. An ‘awakened’ person may have the same holes in the brain in old age, yet the ‘System’ finds a way around. Just as the scared conversation partner tries to recollect names, places and arguments, the ‘awakened’ merely responds “Well, ... “. Magically, given the gist of the conversation, and his presence, it is the perfect response!

The image below is our society’s stereotype reaction, our ‘smart’ brain is protecting us from the foolishness of our heart. Yet, few know that every time we say ‘no to love’ as we are afraid to be vulnerable, we burn a hole in our brain that one day will catch up with us. Find the perfect balance between heart and mind and you can keep Alzheimer’s at bay.

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