Saturday, October 14, 2017

GOD or Collective Unconscious - Does it even Matter?

The ego’s phenomenal existence is transformed when you dive into the source from where the ‘I’ rises.
(Ramana Maharshi)

It is said that before the Fall we did what we did, and then learned to use our mind to understand why we did what we did. Then our ‘friend’ the snake came along and showed us that we can self-create with the help of our powerful mind. Our natural heart-mind connection got severed as a result. The spiritual folks would say that our personal agenda started deviating from GOD’s mission. The C.G. Jung folks would say while we may have lost touch with our Collective Unconscious, we can always strive to to get it back.

Does it even matter which of the two world views is the right one? The Universe creates, sustains and destroys. This Magnificent Force is beyond our wildest imaginations, yet our Collective Unconscious is connected to it somehow. That’s why we value our artists, healers and shamans so much. They capture the Essence that we can tune in moment by moment. Naturally, this must appear like magic to our rational mind. 

I am asking you, does it even matter whether there is a benign GOD WHO wants to GUIDE us HOME on the fastest route possible? What if we are waking up to Oneness instead, a Magnificent Creative System that experiences Itself, and that we have access to It via our Collective Unconscious. GOD or Collective Unconscious, scientists and spiritual travelers can finally see eye to eye.

1 comment:

p h e n o m e n o u s 1 said...

I don't know if I would describe the ego's existence as 'phenomenal' (phenomenon-yes; awesome-no)--more like 'nefarious'. Our 'friend' the snake is the ego 'talking to itself', not some other 'entity'.

Our collective unconscious is not hiding something 'positive' we need to remember, but the very seat of the ego's insanity which it attempts to hide from us because of just how nasty it is--something we see being played out in the news on a daily basis.

That which 'creates & destroys' is the ego's M.O. It wants to believe in self-creation (as opposed to rightly attributing our REAL creation to our CREATOR, not 'itself'), but then realizing the outrageousness of its own proposition, seeks to punish itself (via projection) through destruction.

INSPIRATION is not a product of this unconscious cesspool, but from a realm 'not of this world'. SPIRIT INSPIRES--the ego then attempts to hijack.

Any WAKING UP is attributable to a 'force' beyond our sleep, whereas our unconscious desires to keep us asleep as long as possible in order to maintain the con.

As long as scientists maintain the position of being 'brain-worshipers' instead of truly understanding the nature of MIND, there will be no 'eye-to-eye' with those who know that 'MIND over matter is the proper order of things'.