Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Way of the Spirit

Everyone is needed in GOD's KINGDOM. Everyone fits in as a unique piece of the puzzle, making the picture complete and beautiful.

Did you ever notice how different we all are? The world as we experience is a perfect playground for everyone to express their uniqueness.

Our Soul has longings and we can express them in a spiritually kosher way. We do not need to be afraid of what makes us tick, we just need to be mindful of how to express our longings.

Our ego doesn't have to be the villain. The inner voice can be deluded but the inner Observer can recognize the SPIRIT's messages and can help us choose a path that works for the self, as well as the SELF.

The SPIRIT helps us through the ego confusion and connects us with others. The SPIRIT tells us the mission we have to embark on in order to be connected with GOD. Sign up for the Way of the Spirit!

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